Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Goats for Sale!

$100 each, CAE free, registered with ADGA

Pemberley Acres Madden, DOB: 5/11/2010, MCH Sides Marta x Doe-Sy-Doe AP Sandstorm

Alpenglade Farm Dogwood, DOB: 6/18/2013, Alpenglade Farm Jamaica Plum x Flat Rocks Legacy*

Dewberry, DOB: 6/9/2013, Aplenglade Farm Beach Poppy x Wooly Dog Down ‘Abanero*

Alpenglade Farm Calico, Springs Run BL Midora x Tex*
(pictured as a kid in 2012! updated pic to follow)

Copper Ridge Victoria, DOB: 9/27/2006, Clayhill’s Ellen x Promisedland Merry Buck Lewis

Alpenglade Farm Zola Butterfly, DOB: 5/3/09, Wooly Dog Down Thimbleberry x Enchanted Hill Toby

*not yet registered with ADGA

Sunday, November 10, 2013

a little update

It's that time of the year- the goats are getting ready for winter (their shaggy coats are adorable) and I'm procrastinating like every other college student out there.

Meanwhile, I'm trying my very best to cut down my herd. College once again demands all my attention, sadly.

My buck, Madden, has gone off to be of use at another farm where he'll hopefully sire some beautiful babies and find a new home.


We had a great three years, Maddy!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fall 2013 Update

There's not much to report on the goats right now. They are all healthy, except for Poppy who had a rough week. We think when she got out of her pen she ate something slightly poisonous. She seems to be getting back to her normal self- though I want to get a fecal sample just to make sure that parasites aren't the problem.

I'm currently trying to sell a few extra does (juniors and seniors!) and my buck, Maddy. I'm sad to have to say goodbye to him, but he's done a fantastic job these past few years. It's time for him to improve someone else's herd!

I'm still in the process of transferring all my goats from AGS to ADGA. It's not easy, but I'm getting closer to being finished with the whole business.

We said goodbye to these sweethearts, the only wethers for this year. They now reside in New York!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

CAE free, baby!

My entire herd tested negative for Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis! And my awesome vet taught me how to draw my own blood, which will come in handy for future testing. I'm thrilled to know for a fact that my herd is healthy and disease free. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Catch Up

Goat registration paperwork is no joke. It's nearly as full of red-tape as the DMV. And that's saying a lot! It's taken numerous calls and many unanswered emails before my paperwork is even half completed, not to mention how much it costs to register each goat. And these are the trials and tribulations of a milkmaid. 

 I find ADGA very difficult to deal with. Every employee I've talked to has been downright surly. I miss AGS. Sniff. But I'm really trying to keep the ball rolling because I've got buyers who are waiting for paperwork. They've been incredibly patient and I would really love to send them their paperwork. 

Speaking of which, Roly and the Twins have been sold. Roly was sold back in March to a lovely couple who appear to be spoiling her as I would. The Twins went to a great family who will give them more than enough attention. I really love this part of selling goats! The downside is that I miss each and every goat terribly. 

Ps. green smoothies are delicious. Thanks to my friends Cate and MaryKathryn, I was finally brave enough to try one and now I'm hooked! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Real World.

This little girl, Champagne, is just about grownup! I was out in the barn the other day and I couldn't figure out why she was screeching at me. And then BAM. I realized that her dam, Poppy, is finally weaning her. I bred Poppy to 'Abenero (a buck borrowed from Terri Brown) December 28th (May kids!) so she must be preparing Champagne for life in the real world. 

I feel like I should bake them a cake or something. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Maddy and Me

I'm back with my goats and all is right with the world. (I wish.)

I'm back and ready to get this breeding season on the road. Now if only the goats would go into Mom keeps reminding me that a watched pot never boils, but by gum! I want baby goats in the spring. And there is only one way for that to happen. *wink, wink*


Here are pictures of me and my buck, Madden. He's a doll. He has the best temperament, which I really hope gets passed down to his daughters because some of my does are such divas. I would love to have a mild-mannered doe. I'm planning to show Maddy in a show next June, but I need to get him registered with ADGA (which is going to be a major pain. Good thing I'm taking next semester off from college!)  first.

Ready for Christmas?!